Very Good with minor pieces missing. No Replay Saves, No Car Tuning, No Damage. With that known, everything else ROCKS
Using a wheel is less then perfect though. The controls expect a right thumbstick to setup courses in challenges and since the all the racing steering wheels on the market now have no right thumbstick, you can't create a course! Also if someone challenges you, you can't shift until you hit B. Driving an automatic probably not an issue, but for someone with the assists turned off, using a steering wheel and aiming for the best simulation driving on the 360 so far, it falls short.
Not beign able to save replays is another big screw up.
But the driving and physics are very good with all assists off and a wheel. With word that car packs will be coming every month it's even better
If damage were present folks would learn to be much more cautious drivers. Maybe a patch will bring some car tuning aspects and soem form of damage even if not visual but to a cars performance and suspension alignment.