its the best racing game i ever seen in my life since NFS MW

User Rating: 9.7 | Test Drive Unlimited X360
I have only played the game for about 12 hours or so but I think I should give people a bit of insight on the game.

Gameplay: Excellent gameplay, Very different from most other racers, Yes you do races timetrials, etc. There are also crazy taxi like missions as well where you bring someone to a certain location and other missions like deliverying cars (like porshe unleashed.) This is just the main story line though.. The real fun is just free roaming. You can cruise with up to 8 other people and I believe you can cruise with up to 16 club members. It is also a massive environment. I have drove around for about 7 hours now exploreing about 1/8th of the island. Not only is it massive it is well done and it keeps you interested in sight seeing. There are a few other elements that makes this game unique as well such as buying your house, able to host challanges to other racers, car clubs and clothing shops, need I go on?

gameplay 10/10 best gameplay in years, have not played a racing game this good since porshe unleashed (I like this more)

Graphics: Excellent graphics, The car detail is great especially in the different times of the day you really notice how good of a job they did. The only flaw in the graphics would be some of the textures they used for things such as some of the ground and a few others. There not bad and there are only a few that could be changed so excellent graphics as well.


Sound: The weakest part of the game however is still great. Car sounds are actually fairly good, could be improved but still nice. Also the music is not bad and the ablity to add custom playlist is actually very handy. You can turn your musics volume up and down while driving and such. The voice acting in the game.... not very good buit then again who got this game for voice acting?? and not many racing games even have a story line or voice acting so what that have done is not to bad.

Sound 8/10

Value: Game is worth every penny even if its not a discount game where you live. The small details in this game make it worth every penny they spent alot of time making this game right. (small details such as if you have a passenger and slam on the brakes they go foward from the force, I think its neat ha ha.)

Value 10/10

Reviewers Tilt: My favourite game and have been waiting for a game exactly like this for about 8 or so years. I have drempt about a game like this for sooooo long and they did it almost exactly the way I want it (even the car choices...) Amazing use of next gen technology. tilt 10/10

PS: Don't let low review throw you off this sleeper hit, It may just be the best racing game you will ever play.