Where do I start…? The irony of the fact Project Gotham Racing got a way higher score is annoying, if you haven’t played test drive unlimited you haven’t played a racing game, if I were to compare this to other standard racing games it would clearly have a place above them all, the fact that you can drive round a thousand mile city and buy houses, cloths, and cars of course changes the way your ever play a driving game. I played it for a few days and thought “hmm, this is pretty good” which turned into “MUST GET ON TEST DRIVE” I used to play this game for about 1 and a half hours a day? But that turned into 7 hours a day and yes I’m serious (I honestly don’t even like racing games, but this ones so much more…), when you go through the 1st 5 hours of this game you begin to see yourself getting sucked in, there’s always something to do and somewhere to go. Ok yeah the NPC’s placed around the map have bad acting along with their stories, but at the end of the day it’s all about the driving and getting that person from point A to point B. You can also customize your cars and sell them on an on-line market for a higher price, and even challenge to race on-line players which are littered around the vast motorways and lively cities by flashing your headlights. This truly is a revolutionary game and will surprise any motor-head. I think one of the reasons why people under-rate it is because of a driving aid option, if you leave it on the steering is unrealistic and un challenging but I can’t stress the importance of taking it off to see what this game can really do! It becomes as realistic as GT 4 if not more, players can even ‘fish tale’ and it feels so real, especially with the view behind the driver seat which will immerse the player (this can be altered if preferred). Also each car has a unique feel to it, you may be stuck with a Audi TT until you save up more money (poor car compared to others in the game) but your learn to adapt with the speed, brakes and overall handling. Then when you buy another car your see it will handle completely differently and will have to learn how to drive it (e.g. the Sal een S7 Twin turbo can’t just be accelerated from stationary otherwise it will skid out of control, instead you need to squeeze the trigger more slowly). There are also classic cars accompanying all the other types of cars which you would expect making a nice addition. All in all I recommend this game strongly to anyone whether you like driving games or not.
The best way to describe Test Drive Unlimited is going to sound like a no-brainer, but it's uniquely true: it's designed for people who love to drive. Test Drive Unlimited is the first mainstream massively multiplayer ra... Read Full Review
By Jaruslothran | Review Date: Sep 11, 2006 | X360
Ok, I am going to try to list the good and the bad of both of these games, and explain which one I FEEL is the better of the two racers. Lastly, I am going to talk about our over-reaching view of what "Next Gen" shoul... Read Full Review