If you like Nintendo and you like Tetris then you'll definately like Tetris DS.

User Rating: 7 | Tetris DS DS
If you like Nintendo and if you like Tetris then you'll definately like Tetris DS.

The graphics are quite good although a lot borrowed from original Nintendo games to give it a sort of nostalgic feeling there are a range of colourful Tetriminos (blocks) to brighten up the game.

Gameplay is quite fun with all the original Tetris style play along with new Push, Puzzle, Catch, Mission and Touch modes to choose from. Trying to take on your DS in high speed Tetris action is fun, so is classic Tetris and testing your wits in the any of the 200 puzzles. However after a while you may start to find the Puzzles frustrating and I also found that catch mode became very slow and overly easy. Still these new modes mean your buying a Tetris game but your buying something new, also the better you do throughout the game the more Tetris points you get and of course you can play this game online via Wi-Fi.

The sound effects aren't bad and the music is almost all cool remixes of music from original Nintendo games, The Legend of Zelda theme for the mission mode is definitely very catchy.

Of course being a puzzle game there isn't actually any plot here but this is made up for by the strong re-playability factor. This brings my review of Tetris DS to a close, I hope you enjoyed reading.