Please.. amongst these good scores.. I reveal the truth.
"If it's not broken don't fix it" "God help us.."
All these phrases sum up my review of this horrible game. It's so horrible as to say there's nothing good about it, besides the fact that it's Tetris. If you've never heard of tetris, never played Tetris, never saw Tetris, and never touched any of the variations of Tetris's out there, go ahead and get this game. Otherwise just play a flash version of it since this is almost the same thing as the original. Online play you say? Screw it (I don't like curse words either but.. I wasted my points).
There's nothing good to say about this game so here's what I'm going to do: RANT. This game claims to have 8 modes. Well it does, but they are all the same with some slight fix. This game has new graphics and sound? Certainly does, but 3D or 2D it plays the same and as for the sound.. you barely notice it. Testris is a classic isn't it, in most cases yes, but in this case no, don't spend your points.
I've been downloading games for a long time, wether on PSN or XBOX Live, and I'll say this: this is by far the worst game I rememer downloading. So please. Don't think about it.