Best game ever back in the days, now it's just a waste of time, money, and energy. Let's move on please.
Gameplay: Nothing new was added, except for the Online play, which is pretty much the samething as playing by yourself, except it's not a computer playing with you, it's a human. It's the same old, put 'em in a row, and boom it dissappears, with a few things here and there.
Graphics: Thanks to the Xbox's power, it at least nice to look at, but that doesn't change much of anything, it's just a bunch of blocks in front of a pretty background.
Sound: Looks like they had a hard time finding some new sounds to add, so they didn't add much, other than make the usual sounds a but better. The bangs, are really nice to listen to for 10 hours straight (sarcasm).
Value: If anyone acutally buys this game, then actually BEATS the game, then actually goes back to it to play AGAIN...all I can say must be a REAL Tetris fan, I don't have much to say there, other than, let alone play it more than once, DON'T BUY IT TO START WITH!!!
Tilt: What more can I say. There's really no point of buying this. Just buy the classics for Atari, or get one of those cheap handheld ones with 100 different games with Tetris. Makes more sense. Even if you're tired of playing our high tech games today, and you want a break with some good ol' Pac Man and Tetris, you can find all of those online for FREE! So do yourself a favor and save the money, time, and energy for something a bit more productive.