well this is my first review and my introduction to poker.average game with highs and lows.
Since i did not know how 2 play before hand i had to pick it up as i went along, and its not hard to use as a introduction and relly easy to pick up after a day or 2.
the online play is bosted by the bankroll that is atached to you're gamer tag.That said u dont feel any kind of determanation to raise it as u can always play high stakes even in debt.
the tourdements add depth to the gameplay but can drag on if ure in the last 2.and the ai folds way 2 often to have a good game.
the single player is a bit better because you have to raise youre money to play with the best.the standad games can be dull though.
The scenirio modes are the highlight of the single player,but at 7 theres not enough to keep u intrested.
its a shame thay change some of the tinest things uve got a great game.its not worth $10/£8 but for those people who got it free well worth the asking price of 0,espichelly for those achivement junkies.