This game would have, MAYbe, been cutting-edge when the PSone was still 1st Gen. Thank GOODness it was only ten bucks!

User Rating: 1 | The Plan PS2
Okay, first off, the "1-3 Players" stated on the back of the case, is pretty much a crock...albeit, not completely. See, once you've paid your dough, and trekked home, or to the coffee shop (on your way home), and have started to scan through the manual that multiplayer is indeed an option, but not until you've played the game through in single-player mode first. Seriously! Which, of course, would probably be one of the hardest and annoying things I can think of to have to do...kudos to those who did. Believe it or not, I actually made it through the prison break mission! Anywho, if you're into playing a third-person, chug-along type game that was actually very good for it's time, check out the original Resident Evil. However, if you're looking for a very badly programmed piece of software garbage, check this one'll be in for a treat.