In a nutshell i would like to say that the Gamespot reviewer is a serious **** to give this game just a 6

User Rating: 9.5 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
An amazing game in terms of graphics, ambiance and depth in gameplay, amazing 3rd person shooting, chopper fights , tank battles and sensational cinamatic style cutscenes and storyline makes this game one of the best games ive played on a psp, a total worth for money . i serious dont understand why the nutcrack in the gamespot team has given it such a low rating , they shud appreciate and rate the game on the basis of pleasure/experience rather than technicality envolved in making the game. the variety in the game is outstanding it seems like a mix of the Aliens 2 movie with the kind of infestation shown in the the gameplot which surrounds Newyork including a mix of other Alien invasion movies like the independence day and Battle LA as the game mainly depicts the war between alien mutation against the human troops and the central character Aya Brea and putting such a huge plot so systematically in a PSP is just amazing , i Personally feel this game was worth equivalent to that of a game on a PS3 but hats off SquareEnix who were able to put it in a hadheld console like the PSP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................