A blast from the past? Well your looking at the wrong place buddy.
User Rating: 10 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
Ok, now the first thing is that if you're looking for a review for Parasite Eve:The 3rd Birthday then you might as well stop reading now. However, if you're looking for a review of The 3rd Birthday then I shall do my best to oblige! This is NOT a Parasite Eve game! Sure, the protagonist as well as a few other characters appear from Parasite Eve, yet in no stage of the game nor its description does it say that this is a Parasite Eve Game or its third installment, oh sure anyone can say that since its the 3rd Birthday, they'd naturally account is as a third installment to the series, yet I hear no word of confirmation regarding this from the officials! The game is set in the same universe as Parasite Eve and the protagonist returns as an awesome female lead, contrary to what most people say regarding the leads characteristics. The lead should be 40 year old, she is too weak in character as compared to her previously seen character in P.E.1&2, and blah blah. Well didn't I say that this wasn't an exclusive Parasite Eve game, but merely a game set in the same universe and a known protagonist. So if your a new comer to the series, then theres a 95% probability that you'll like it, otherwise if you're the same old faithful parasite eve fan then sorry but this guide aint for you.
Graphics - 10/10 The game-play graphics and the cinematic are too awesome to explain
Sound - 10/10 One of the best voice acting I've ever seen
Re-play Value - 9/10 Theres a lot of stuff to do like upgrades and stuff if you re-play but gets annoying after some time
Gameplay - 10/10 would have given it a 11/10 if it was possible lol
Storyline - 9.5/10 simply awesome with the backdraw of leaving you wanting more, and a few details near the end could have been better explained.
P.S.- I'm sorry if this seems a bit hurried but I'm currently typing from my blackberry sitting in the backseat of my car XD