The 3th Birthday was awesome in it's own way yet people didn't understand it as much as I so I'll help you do that. B-)

User Rating: 8.5 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
Before you read this please don't make a lot of hateful comments I have enough hate mail as it is. If you agree with me say so. If not say so. That's it.
Story: The 3th Birthday had a confusing storyline just because a lot of important information about the game's story was in text in an archive in which you can access before each mission and since GT didn't say anything about it that leaves me to belive that they can't read.
Gameplay: Shure the movement is a bit stiff yet when I die durning the game I don't blame the controlls nor the movement. I blame myself because the game is difficult yet people blame the game instead of themselves. The RPG elements aren't a game changer yet gaining levels and upgrading and buying new wepons is always satisfying. The DNA buff system is confusing for me and I admit that it's a bad component to the game. The different gear you can change is fun yet I still haven't unlocked any since the beginning so it's not importnat which gear you wear.
Presentation: In short The 3th Birthday has an interesting story deppending how curious you are about it to understand it. The gameplay has some useless RPG components yet there is still something that can catch your eye.The game is difficult deppending if you're going to blame yourself or the game when you die.