a well built game for sure but with a few tweaks, could be perfect

User Rating: 8.5 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
while playing "the third birthday," i found myself engrossed in its awesome combination of third-person shooter/ RPG combination.

well... visually... its square enix... need i say more?

Sounds FX/ BGM
The sound effects ARE well recorded but they are also pretty repetitive. there is only one sound for all the different types of guns (all the pistols sound the same, etc.) The subtle yet epic background music is nice to listen to. i mean... with today's technology, soundtracks are orchestrated and therefore: usually fit games

The 3rd birthday plays like any generic third person shooter, except fun... i dunno what it is but this game, despite being generic, is very FUN. And the teleportation mechanic is really cool. Using that control to get to a boss's weakpoint is giga fun! the gun system is a little broken though. you have to get to a proper level to use the gun and then you have to unlock the actual gun to use it.

without giving away anything in the plot, ima just say that the plot lacks just a little bit on the unpredictability spectrum. while it remains true to the series, its very easy to see where things were going.

Aya Brea is easily one of my favorite female protagonists. A (hot) girl who can hold her own against mutant freaks like the twisted and yet, she still holds femininity. However, her personality was nerfed hardcore in this game. Square decided to give her amnesia as well as a Cloud Strife-complex and had her question her reason for fighting.

overall, this game is great! but i would maybe make it easier to unlock different weapons and i would have left Aya's character as it was too. but really, i found this game SUPER fun so overall i would put this game amongst my top 10 favorite games ever!