Good going. You have killed the last bit of parasite eve that escaped the wrath of parasite eve 2.

User Rating: 2 | The 3rd Birthday PSP

The story is junk. I found myself constantly trying to figure out what was going on. First giant tentacles attack NYC, Aya loses her memory, and gets married.
Weird start, but what ever. As you play through, it seems random things just happen. Destroying red orbs, a concert, and more.
The story is not the peak of this game.
But thats to expect. Its a build off a game series that was a build off a book.


I don't play many shooters, but, 3rd birthdays gameplay was okay. I didn't mind it to much. I did like the switching places with a fellow fighter, which at times quickly grew annoying. Having to switch places with people over and over again to stay alive, complete an objective, and/or to get guns. I quickly grew annoyed with this.


I hate every single character down to Aya herself. everyone sounds weird when they talk, and the characters just have no interest in them. They are all so dry and weird.


I'm not one to complain about Graphics much, but it is an upgrade from the first two.
Here and there the graphics were bad, but what can you do about it. It is on a portable console.


I love music a lot. Sad to say I don't have much of an idea on what the music sounds like for this games. I mostly heard, bang bang bang. Ah!. Aya do this! and the occasional sexual grunt form Aya.

I did go to youtube and listen to the little bits of the music they had. I like it, not my favorite. But its mostly background noise.

~~Overall Rating~~
18/100 = 1.8/10
Rounded to the nearest whole number 2/10

~~Last comments~~

I have played every Parasite Eve game, and I am quite a fan of the first one. When I pick this game up, it makes me disappointed to play this game. 3rb Birthday has killed the last bit of Parasite Eve that escaped the wrath of Parasite Eve 2. And in hope to make this game better, boobs are added. Why do you need boobs to make a game good. I'm sorry but you have killed Parasite Eve. I recommend you just leave the game to slowly die, and never bring the game series or name back.
