The 3rd Birthday is an action packed shooter that by utilizing the Overdive system is fun addition to the PSP library.

User Rating: 8.5 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
The 3rd Birthday is a fun, fast paced, third person shooter that incorporates a unique style of game play utilizing the overdive system. In this game you play as Area Brea from the Parasite Eve series as she battles the "Twisted" in an effort to save mankind from extinction. Anyone familiar with the Parasite Eve series will see elements carried over from these two games and incorporated into the 3rd Birthday. Aya Brea as the ability to "Overdive" which allows her soul to take control of a other people and in the majority of the game soldier to pass through time and space to fight the Twisted. Certain events occur that Aya will dive back into the past and change the outcome thus changing the time line in an effort to destroy the Twisted at their origin or 'Time Zero". The story for the 3rd Birthday is a little hard to follow and does change as the game progresses but the end does a good job of closing out the story. The other aspect is the main character of Aya Brea; she initially appears as a weak child that through the course of the game gains the strength to become the heroine required. Utilizing BP points and DNA cards, you can enhance Aya's abilities to suit your personal play style as well as select from a variety of weaponry to stand against your adversaries. The 3rd Birthday is a fun, action packed addition to the PSP library, adorn with beautiful visuals and a captivating story that though convoluted at times comes together for an overall enjoyable experience.