Great return to the world of parasite eve.
User Rating: 10 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
This game is alot of fun. You can upgrade your weapons, unlock weapons, and upgrade your abilities. The story, cutscenes, and music hold true to the parasite eve series. If you like action/rpgs you will like this game in some way shape or form. For only 29 bucks I would say that this game is worth it. I haven't had this much fun with a action/rpg since the old parasite eves. The game is very short and it is just as difficulty as the old ones. Which is a good thing but also a frustrating thing at the same time. Have fun! Its Aya Brea!!!!! Hopefully they make another game! Hopefully they make another parasite even on the Vita. Then maybe one on the ps3 too! Square made a bad choice discontinuing this game years ago. Although it may not give them ground breaking sales the games were and are still great and different then the rest.