The 3rd Birthday

User Rating: 8.5 | The 3rd Birthday PSP
I just love this! I like the weapon modification part :D
And the DNA board!
But something in me wants the DNA board to be more flexible..
Like maybe more abilities or weirder DNA board shapes :D

Sometimes the camera angle kinda sucks,
When you got stuck in some corner you just get killed by some roller with even being able to escape D;

It's cool we get the chance to use tanks, and battalions, maybe they should include submarines in the future.

And I think Aya Brea should have more skills other than just Liberation, like transforming into some whatever.

Hmmm, if only they actually have the clothes to buy.
Instead of always wearing the same ol' costumes.
Customizing Aya's outfit hahah!

But ultimately, I think it's a great game (for me),
The graphic is nice, the monsters are sometimes quite annoying but never mind.

And I want the 4th Birthday :)