trick or treat?
User Rating: 9.7 | The 7th Guest PC
When i got my first PC in '94 it came with this game, The game was perfect to demonstrate the possibilities of the new technology known as CD-ROM. The 7th guest is most of all a puzzle game. There's a story about an haunted mansion, where some diabolical toymaker used to live and there are many horror-elements in the game. As a player you want to unravel the mystery of the events that happened 48 years earlier. 6 guests went missing and during the game you see flashbacks of them. As you explore the house you discover all kinds of puzzles. Some puzzles are quite easy, others are very difficult. All puzzles are beautiful designed and incorporated in the interiors. You play from a first person perspective, but you cannot move around freely. When you click on the right side of the screen, your character automaticly moves to a certain position to the right. It works fine. The graphics are beautiful, especially for a game of 1993. There is a lot of detail. The voices of the actors are also perfectly done. The game also has a musical score which you can separately listen to on a audio cd-player. It comes with the game. That is something that publishers should do more often! If you like challenging puzzles, you should definitely play this game. It was way ahead of it's time and invented a gamegenre of it's own. It also got many people hooked on videogames. CLASSIC!