I see mixed feelings with this game. Truly a diffucult but worth playing game. Three reviews in less than an hour!!!!
User Rating: 7.8 | The 7th Saga SNES
Wow two classic games and Final Fantasy 7 in less than an hour tonight. I'm on a role! Anyway, The 7th Saga is truly a game from back in the day and a game you should defintely try to aquire. I find that this game is a challenge and should be played by a strategist gamer. Now don't be fooled by this games age, its really not bad. This is one of those games I played in my sitters house when I was 8 and 9. Along with FF Mystic Quest and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, this game was one of my favorite. This game inspired me to explore the world of RPG's. I have said it before and I will say it once again, this game is challenging and should be taken seriously. When I bet the first really tough boss, my friends and I celeberated. Truly a classic and a great first game for newbies. Unless of course, you got FF7.
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