Batman Returns done poorly...

User Rating: 3 | The Adventures of Batman & Robin GG

Batman Returns was a surprising game to play. Wither it be now, or back then, it was, and is common for movie license games to be slapped on a platform with a disregard for quality.

Batman Returns, even in it's 8-bit format, was a genuinely good game fans of the movie, Batman or games in general with Aspect Co. doing justice to the license long before Rockstready arrived.

This, unfortunately is a bad game that aside from aesthetics, does not do his Animated incarnation justice.

The developers, Novotrade have created a visually faithful, but ultimately sluggish game with clear bad design readily apparent within minutes of playing.

In Batman Returns, enemies charged the player, and shot projectiles, but the camera was pulled out,with slower gameplay allowing the player the ability to combat them. It was largely player skill that resulted in a failure state.

Here, the screen is narrow and the gameplay faster paced, without good design to accommodate it.

Do you like getting shot off screen? I. Do you like enemies instantly charging into you because the the camera is too narrow to have any chance to react? Me neither, this game has that in abundance.

The game has multilevel platforming like Batman Returns, but it's nowhere near as satisfying. Whereas in Batman Returns you used the grappling hook to ascend, and batwings to glide, here, it is simple hopping from ledge to ledge in the most generic and uninspired manner possible. It could be any game. Batman Returns, much like Rocksteady's later title, attempted to make the player feel like the character, there is no attempt here beyond the art direction.

The animated series musical score was done by Shirely Walker, emulating the style of Danny Elfman. It was operatic, brooding and a very important part of what game the series it's identity.

In the case Of The Adventures Of Batman And Robin, the music is none existent in sections like the main menu and unmemorable in others.

Batman Returns had tight controls, here, there is a bizarre delayed reaction in jumping with a floaty feel, that killed me more than a few times. When your battling control response above all, it's not a good sign.

I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, it is very poor with it's only redeeming feature being the art style. If you want to play an old 8 bit action game on your Game Gear, Batman Returns is better in every conceivable aspect.

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