Short and painful.
Speaking of gameplay, it was horrible. As mentioned before, you have to make frequent trips into town to cash in new items and receive money and experience for the town. Most buildings serve no purpose and the ones that are useful don't affect the game much. The only two buildings you would visit more than once are the weapon shop and trading post. The different unit formations only serve when moving around narrow paths. The combat is way too easy and a true gauge is impossible. A cutscene at the beginning and a still shot at the end with text is all of the story elements in the game.
The graphics seem to fit the gameplay. The animation is terrible however. It all seems too simplistic and something you'd expect from the N64. In fact, some of the later N64 games looked much better.
I got tired of the soundtrack (or the one annoying track per area) really early and played the rest of the game with sound off.
It looked like a bargain for $20 during release. There is no replay value though, not like you'd want to finish playing this game in the first place like I did.
I played through this entire game in 8 (3 of them were sitting idle) hours, mostly during short bursts of time in between activities. There would be no way a person would want to sit down and play through this game for hours.