Oh now what the hell!?
Baaaad audio
Repetitive gameplay
bad voice acting
not addictive at all
Short... Very short!
Even if the price point at release was $5.00 i wouldn't buy this!
This is just pure BAD! Why do they even create these movie games!? They all suck! ...Really! Everything except for RE4 sucked!
This pile of crap gets a 0/10! Sadly the worst i can give it here is a one!
Dont go near this thing! STAY AWAY!
Do not go near this thing, blah blah take up 100 words blah blah!
This game sucks! It blows! dont touch it! Dont look at it! Dont watch it! Dont rent it! Dont buy it! Dont do anything involving the name "The Ant Bully".