fun little game with a diablo type gameplay and a space colony/dott/etc type of humor and style, quite fun (pc version)
well i just finished the game, gotta say it was a very fun and entertaining game, a very refreshing and entertaining brand of humor and style, and the gameplay was pretty darn fun too.
groundbreaking humor and style, and pretty fun gameplay.
there were a couple tiny little bugs, but nothing too annoying, the 2nd and 3rd last guys in arena battle didnt fight back for some reason, and the final boss crashed a couple times (just restarted my pc and it worked fine afterwards) but they were barely noticeable problems.
gameplay(substance) : 7/10
style/humor/graphics : 10/10
overall enjoyability : 8/10
similar games in style? dott, space colony, psychonauts
similar games in gameplay? diablo, dungeon siege
i look forward to the next game in the series (to be continued at the end of the game, but they still closed the current game story nicely)