Horrid controls. Avoid. Roadkill due to it's console heritage and developer laziness.

User Rating: 3.1 | The Bard's Tale PC
I often wonder why developers offer ports of console games on the PC if they aren't going to address the target market. The console heritage on this is obvious from the start: grainy low-res cut scenes, checkpoint saves, and worst of all, a horrid camera and control scheme which makes it almost impossible to play. I think such developers as InXile must take no pride whatsoever in their work and must only be after the money. Greedy bastages. This might have been a good game - the humor is there - but the awful controls take the fun out very quickly. If you like console controls wouldn't you play this on a console? PC gamers: avoid this like the Black Plague.

For a game which takes it's origin from PC gaming this is shameful. The original Bard's Tale games were far better.