Beatles bigger than jeus again
First off some people may consider this easy well if your playing songs like cant buy me love and i wanna hold your hand well duh. The game includes nothing new but plays it safe keeping simple game play and back up vocals fun for you and your friends. At first ill admit i thought i would fall asleep trying to play this. So i tried singing and playing at the same time. No easy task btw, with my friends. And for the first time we had a great time playing a music game.
Pros: Great for any beatle fan or anyone who wants to know the band. Amazing drumming those fills are hard to nail for even the most seasoned drummer. Unity as a band, playing songs that every one knows and loves is great for any one.
Cons: Something of a limited setlist missing some classics. Too simple gameplay to some "experineced guitar players" after all how good can you be if you play a plastic guitar. 250$ price tag.
But really thiers nothing to hate about this game you got an amazing set list brillant graphics, and your friends'll love it. Unless you like playing crap music just because its hard this gives you music you might actually want to hear