One thing that really makes me mad is the fielding, by the time you realize what position you control off the hit it might be too late. The Computer also picks positions that dont seem very logical. Once a ball was hit to Centerfield but it gave me control of the right fielder. So it was a triple for the batter when it should of been an easy out. Also the pitching is ok. Some of the pitching seems unbalanced, it feels like a fastball will get hit most of the time for some reason. The graphics are pretty average for a 360 game. Overall there is nothing really amazing about this game, but I definently would not buy it if I were you.
Video games derived from sports are a common bunch. With the dawn of a new season comes a new video game with some minor gameplay tweaks and roster updates. Reinventing a generation-old sport isn't something that can b... Read Full Review
Grab a buddy and join "THE BIGS". Fun game to play with friends. Short baseball game that keeps a boring sport like baseball exciting! I wish there was a short season mode, but the "rookie challenge&quo... Read Full Review