In my opinion this game has challenging riddles but the pour quality of the characters and the sad ending has with no reason put the game in the bad adventures game list. I played this game in 2011 and I liked the story, the graphics of the back ground has still some appealling and the horror atmoshephere that is being appeared throghout the game is great. But I have to admit I am a fun of the adventures games. I have played several games and this is one of my all time favorite adventures games. On the other hand the game has some noticing negatives. First, the quality of the characters is rather bad and someone with attention to detail would will notice. Second, it ends in a way that most people will not like. Third. for some hardcore adventures gamers it will seem rather easy in most parts but I believe even that can't beat of how great the game is. Last, I believe that any adventurer gamer who is looking for game should give it a try.
This game took me by surprise, but was recommended to me by a friend who is an Adventure nut. All in all I would recommend it and think the Gamespot reviewer was far too critical. Generally my perception of the Adven... Read Full Review
Black Mirror plays out like any other adventure game. Find the clues, solve the puzzles, pick up items and talk to a bunch of characters. The only thing I found tedious was the fact that you have to revisit locations to ... Read Full Review