Square's gone soft.

User Rating: 7.1 | The Bouncer PS2
There really isn't much in The Bouncer at all. It's basically a 2 hour long movie where you watch the story, and when there is a fight, you play the fight. That's it. Oh yeah, there is versus, but I've never really messed around with that too much. From what I played of it, it was fun, but nothing spectacular.

Really good. For a first generation PS2 game, everything is ruchly detailed and great looking. The cutscenes are really nice looking as well.

Some of the music is really good. The voice acting is well done too, for the most part.

There is some. With 3 character's point of view to see the story from, plus trying to acquire all the moves and highest ranks could easily allow you to play the game twice with each character.

Not really a must own, or must play, but for those who do, it's intriguing. Nothing really spectacular though.