The Bouncer is one of the best beat 'em up games on PS2.
The game mixes adventure, action, fighting, RPG and even a little bit of stealth into a 3D beat 'em up style of play. You can get do all kinds of moves like in fighting games. You can do basic attacks, a normal attack, kick jump attack and more. You can choose who to play as of the three and then the other two are controlled by the computer. The game unfolds in great looking cutscenes and throws some stealth in one part. There are boss battles too. There are tons of enemies and you get points from beating each one.
From a graphical standpoint, The Bouncer looks really good. Especially for an early 2001 Playstation 2 game. This was definitely one of the best looking games back then and it still looks great. The characters and levels look great and it runs very smoothly. The music is very good and the game has excellent voice acting.
Despite the game's short length, The Bouncer is very cheap now and worth a purchase. I don't see why Gamespot gave this a 4/10 for value. I've beaten it six times and I really like the game. Yes it is short but it is fun. Worth a buy for fans of Square-Enix or beat 'em ups.