Bugs probably ended up wishing his friends had forgotten his birthday...
This game is a disappointment. It takes a lot of great design elements, and hands the game design to chimpanzees. This game is a side scroller in the vein of SMB, but fails at every attempt to emulate the aforementioned game. One notable flaw is the attack. I know that a hammer is used in most Looney Toon shows, but why in the love of (this word has been censored for your protection) can't you jump on things? This is a fatal flaw, in my opinion. If you are going to emulate the Super Mario Bros. game play, you had better stick to the game play. The hammer should have been a power up anyway, and worst of all, it's awkward to use, and terrible in it's own right!
Aside from the butchered attack, the game is just too (this word has been censored for your protection) easy. I just played for about twenty minutes, and got through the first eight levels. I've only played this game three times, and I'm writing a pretty good review on it! I have played Super Mario Bros. for over 100 hours over the last fifteen years or so, and I finally beat the game last year. What does this tell you about The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout?
The game is just so boring. I play, and all you do is run from left to right, and collect carrots. Fun, if you happen to find enjoyment in punching gorillas in the crotch. (The aforementioned has been modified from its original version for your protection) I honestly can't play this game. It is so boring, I'd rather play Festers Quest; a game I'll review later.
In conclusion, this game is playable, hence the higher than 5 rating, but it isn't enjoyable. I would recommend staying away from this one.
* The "R" word is hate speech, therefore it needed to be censored and something put in its place.