This game is a shoddy port of the Mass Effect Gameplay into a very poor and uninspiring version of the X Com Universe.
The shooting aspect works fine, and there are interesting powers to use and combine together. But it is completely ruined by the fact enemies are damage sponges it takes ridiculous amounts of shots to take down an enemy which feels just wrong compared to how fast your guys go down.
The shooting aspect is furthermore ruined, specially near the end of the game by the ridiculously long firefights, over the last few fights I kept thinking "this fight should have ended 5 minutes ago", but they kept dragging on, and on. To the point that the very last fight was so boring and so frustrating, that I stopped playing, and un-installed the game on the spot. The storyline wasn't compelling enough to make me push through it, and the shooting aspect has been done better before.
The game gives you illusions of choices at times, making you think you have an impact, when you really don't, the game progresses essentially identically no matter what you do.
This is a game unworthy to bear the X-Com game, it is a derivative and uninspired cover based shooter,