Riddick is still a badass
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was one of the best games I played in 2004. There were so many things that Tigon Studios got right which included: hand to hand combat, stealth, shooting, dialogue, casting and Vin Diesel himself. The game was almost perfect. Dark Athena continues where Butcher Bay left off with Riddick escaping prison with Johns and running into the arms of a ruthless mercenary which also means that you must do everything to escape from the clutch of this mercenary. Assault on Dark Athena uses the same formula with new weapons, new cast, same awesome shooting, awesome stealth, new story and adds Escape from Butcher Bay to this package. The openGL engine is getting old but the sound is till spectacular and haunting once you enter those dark corridors and vents. Sneaking up to enemies does not get old and it works very well. 2 games for the full price of one is nothing to complain about. I am a Riddick fan and although there were few new gameplay features, it is still a good game and worth trying if the price is right and you will not regret it.