The other FPS should be afraid of the dark, cause this one is not... Riddick EFBB slices through the expectations.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut PC
"You're not afraid of the dark, are you?". That was the birth of Richard B. Riddick, the best new anti-hero you've ever seen. It's presentation was Diesel's The Chronicles of Riddick. This game is the evolution of the dark-watcher Riddick. The so-called "hipped FPS games of the year" are put to shame compared to EFBB's relentless combination of top-notch graphics and graphic engine, incredible physics realism, arcade-style amazingly entertaining melee combat, flawless sound, and robust FPS action and exploring. From start to end, its presentation is impecable. From the menues, to the logically and inmersive movie tie-ins stories, this is a gamer's dream. Dark and gritty atmosphere, powerful game introduction. This gets all the aces. NPCs are something to be had as an example for future games to come. The various inmates and security guards, all of them are different from the others, with various personalities, amazingly believable and moody voice acting, and great varied body models. I'm gonna try and be as powerful and as direct as this game is. Instead of reading this review, you should be getting this game and see it with your own eyes. And hour later, your eyes become Riddick's eyes, as you'll start shooting down all the zone's lamps in order for you to be in advantage. You dont need to be afraid of the dark anymore, the light that is Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay is here.