This game is very much worth playing, you just have to be into Vin Diesel like that to be able to enjoy it fully.
User Rating: 9.3 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay XBOX
This game has a lot of qualities to offer, such as great voice acting, very good gameplay, very easy to get into, and very intense and scary shooting action in the game, especially when you have to navigate the sewers of butcher bay. I love almost everything about this game, the only thing i dont like about it, is that even though it takes a long time to beat it fully, its very short, and offers little replay value. So for people who love to play games over and over again, this game is not for you, trust me, it isnt. The hand to hand combat is very complex, but its simple at times, becuz really there is no sort of strategy to fighting the enemies. You can just block all the punches, come out swinging, block, come out swinging and win that way, no strategy, but some people like that type of stuff. Well i hope you all enjoy this game, graphics are amazing, voice acting, audio and the overall game is very creepy and intense, i recommend it.