The BEST game ever made. (in my oppinion)
Before reading this you should consider the following:
I despite first person shooters.
I never saw a good game based on a movie. (yet)
I couldn`t play any high tech graphics game on my PC. (yet)
I value games that have thrills, drama and a bit of comedy.
I like Sci-Fi games and movies, but I am very sceptic when I review one. Basically I had no favourite. (yet)
I've finished about 7 or 8 games in my life, but I've played about 100 (for a few minutes).
If I don't like a game from start I will never finish it in my life. EVER!
If I like a game I will start thinking of anything that I dislike in it. (I didn't find anything in this one)
I love movies or games of prisons or inmates.
I very much liked Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butchers Bay. I've finished it more than 7 times. I have never been bored playing the game despite the fact that I've listened to and watched every cut-scene every time I've played it. Why?
It's easy:
It has wonderful graphics. (Far better then any other game released that year. Today those graphics still amaze me.
Graphics 10/10
Gameplay is far more exciting and colourful than in any other game I've played. When you play you don't feel like you're playing a game.
Gameplay 10/10
It has a story that the makes Prison Break look un-entertaining. It gives a replay value to the game. It isn't a brainless shooting action game, where you massacre every one you see, so if you're a fan of such gaming, go play Postal or Quake or something. This is an interactive movie, you get to think before you move a muscle You have to be patient and smart to really enjoy this game.
Story 10/10
Character animations, AI, in-game music and voice acting proves my earlier statement. Riddick is not a superhero, he's not even a hero, but you wouldn't wan't to say something bad about him in person, wouldn't you? The guy is smart, agile, brave and elegant (not in clothing ofcourse)
Everything 10/10
Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butchers Bay is something you will never forget if you played it.
Csaba Szilveszter
Note: Obviously I missed some things... but you'll find out if you'll play it. Excuse my english, I'm working on it. So if you find spelling errors ignore them, please.