A must have. Definately one of the best FPS games on the XBOX to date.
User Rating: 9 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay XBOX
For starters this game is better than the movie. In fact, under the right director and writer this could be a great movie itself. The story is straight forward. You must escape the Butcher Bay prison. Sounds simple right? Well, there are plenty of guards and inmates that will have something to say about that. This game features some of the best graphics on the XBOX to date. The characters in the game look awsome and the levels are detailed. The lighting in the game looks great. You can really see the detail put into the game upon close examination of the guards you lay waste to and the levels as you progress through the game. The sound is done pretty well. I played the game in Dolby 5.1 and it sounded good. The voices were hard to hear at times though. This could just be the setup on my system, not sure. The weapons sound good and the voice acting was excellent, especially Vin Diesel's part of Riddick. The controls in the game were responsive and worked great. It may take a few moments to get used to the controls when using a gun, especially if you are use to a keyboard and mouse, but once you get the hang of it you will have no problems hitting guards in the head with the machine gun. Gameplay is where it is at in any game, and Riddick delivers. There is a nice mix of stealth and full out action in the game. You are free to decide how to take on the guards and inmates. If you like running into a room guns blazing, do it. If you are more the silent type and like to sneak up on your enemies, do it. Either way works great. I really loved the hand to hand combat in the game. Riddick does a pretty good job of bringing this into a new light. You can chain attacks together to create combos, etc. You will find that this game has a lot to offer. Overall this game is really amazing and worth your time and money. If you like FPS with some stealth action mixed right in you will love this game.