This game's something special.

User Rating: 9 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Developer's Cut PC
As one of the few people who actually liked the movie I had pretty high hopes for this game. I had no idea I'd get more than I expected. Instead of trying to mimic the movie, this game takes the characters into a completely different environment. By making it a prequel the developers opened up a whole range of possiblities while shrugging off the usual limitations of a movie license. Not to mention the sequel possibilities this presents. Riddick has a lot of potential history becoming the most wanted man in the galaxy, and this formula allows the developers to explore some of that history without mucking up the movie's story. From the outset this game truly makes you feel like you're there. From the opening scene as they're walking you into the prison you get the oppressed feeling of a new inmate. Character interaction and stealth become your best friends as you're fighting your way out of Butcher's Bay. Sections of the game truly make you feel like you're wallowing through filth and decay to get to the next section. To top it off is some the best voicework I've heard in a video game. From the warden to the guards to Riddick himself, you actually feel these people are who they say they are. The fact that you're not the wrongly accused guy, but probably should actually be there makes escaping all the more satisfying. As for gameplay, there are better shooters out there. Nothing in the gameplay is phenominal. But nothing is broken either. The stealth is very decent, shooting's passable, melee doesn't break new ground, but pounding some inmate's face in does feel pretty good. With a nice amount of unlockables and never a dull moment this is truly a great game. One of my all time favorites. If you haven't played it yet I highly recommend you do so. With the new remake/expansion coming up you'll get an all new chance in the near future.