Chronicles of Riddick - 2004's game of the year.
Such a shame there was no hype at all.
The game uses openGL engine, which means, it runs much smoother on NVidia cards. Even on a midrange 6600GT you can turn up the graphics, and enjoy the excellent graphics. Because this game has EXCELLENT graphics. It beats Doom 3, and in some aspects, it beats Half Life 2(too bad, Riddick has some lowres textures).
The story of Riddick is amazing. And, it's not even 'just the movie'. Because Riddick the videogame tells us a whole new story, that was NOT in the movie.
We have to make our way out of Butcher Bay, the most guarded, and secured prison. If you watch 'Prison Break' the TV show, some situations might be familiar. Basically, this isn't just a go ahead and kill FPS. Most of the time, you don't even have a gun. For example, you have to use electro shocker, or just bare hands.
That's being said, the game is a mixature of stealth and commando style gameplay.
The levels are very good, there are bunch of, and each one is unique.
The sounds are excellent. Why? Vin Diesel. Yep. He gave his voice to Riddick in the game aswell, and.. he talks alot which is good for us. There are bunch of jokes being said ,which is excellent.
The only complaint I have is the lack of any kind of multiplayer. Unfortunately, the value suffers because of this.
Overally, this game is a must have. If it had a little more hype, easily, this game could have beaten D3 and HL2. But since it didn't most people don't even know it exists!