LAC LUSTER! Its kinda like a real modern Unreal Tournament, but with people willing to die without a fight.

User Rating: 7 | The Club PC
The Club seemed to be a good and promising game, and Sega has been doing a recently good job. The club felt nice and the Announcer like UT games says the special kill. The weapons you carry really don't matter and theres no customization. A quick comment on that, this game could of been superior if it had character creation, and you customize the look, the gear, the star off weapons, and there speed, stamina, etc... The game will get repetitive very fast and is personally to me very easy. Graphically it looks like a PS2 game, and I would recommend to all that wait awhile and then buy, The online is as horrid as you would think, and there really isn't much I can go into on that. And the most major substance thing to me in any video game is story! It seems it HAD a story but was lost. The beginning shows a flash of all characters, and the end has a 10 second closer. Not much for me to understand the reason they fight or why I should care.