The Club is an Amazing game! I totally recommend it. But Please TRY BEFORE YOU BUY
To me (and maybe there's something wrong with me) there's nothing more fun than just running around a level filled with ememies and blowing a hole through every one of 'em.
Honestly, this game CAN be blasted through in just a couple of hours IF you wuss out and play on the easiest difficutly setting. However, if you pick the proper difficulty setting you'll be playing for a Long LONG time.
Basically, to get good at a level you have to memorize it. You have to know where all the enemies are, and find out the best way to take them out making sure not much time is wasted between kills.
EVEN IF you master that, you can still spend hours improving your score. A head shot is worth a lot more than a regular kill and so is killing someone with the last bullet in your clip as well as killing right someone right after a diving roll, and so on. Put a few of those together and your kill is worth HUGE POINTS.
If you're the type of person who only wants to play through a level once and move on then you WILL HATE this game.
If you're the type of person who wants to continually improve your score and test your own ability you WILL LOVE this game.
If you're the later, this game is highly addictive!
That's why I say The Club is an Amazing game! And I totally recommend it!
BUT, this game isn't for everyone. You should try it before you buy it.