"The Good, The Bad and The Death Roll Headshots..."
"For every person who played it and was expecting a story-driven game we found two or three people who really understood the pursuit of high-scores," said Ward. "Already we've got a hardcore fan base building up, which is very encouraging!
"The game is all about competing with friends for the highest score possible, and showing off your skills whilst doing it. It's something that's fairly unique in the shooter genre at the moment, and something we really believe in."
I guess there you have it, at least on that plateau. The game compares to you and your buddies destroying each other over a few rounds of Fight Night to some degrees.
Now the game itself is a third person shooter which I typically do not enjoy for whatever odd personal reasons but I found myself at home running through these various stages trying to achieve another million. The graphics are great, and it almost reminds me of Killer Instinct simply for the intro to a Stage…"Seager…FIGHT!". The story is much that of Tekken where it's a once a year fight club and once you go though you get the random ending. The Club follows that very well in the sense that it is a secret underground organization and instead of hand to hand, you just try to stay alive through the various stages i.e. prisons, cruise ships, steel mills, something that looks like it was hit by an atom bomb etc. A side note to give people a random idea would be at the end of RE3 and you get to run back through the whole map earning points and taking on Nemisis like 8 different times, I found myself wrapped in that for days. The Club offers the same deal and forces you the gamer to just "Want more, more Headshots, more Rica-Slayers, Higher Kill Combos, ten million points…"
In either case it's a game that is definitely recommended to everyone who enjoys the shooters, especially the arcade style. You'll get hours upon hours of solo game play and when it comes to you and your buddies with a keg of Heineken, In me we trust you better bring two kegs because your all going to love trying to one up each other.
P.S- I have no opinion on the online simply because I am probably one of the few ones out their that has lost a job or two because I could never seem to put down the damn controller. From what I have read though its not too bad and there is a fan base out their gaming it up somewhere out their.
-Cheers and enjoy