This game is the end all be all, for showing who is the better gamer.
The Club, which is written by the same group that made the Project Gotham racing series, is a 3rd person shooting game that goes off of multipliers which is granted for killing enemies in a certain amount of time. The more you kill, the faster the timer ticks down.
Throughout the game there are multipliers signs you can shoot down or secrets that you can find that keep your Mulitplier steady. All the scores are kept online so you can alwasy compare with your FRIENDS list or you can compare with the rest of the world.
I played the game on XB360 so I have no idea how the tracking is done on PS3, but one can hope it's just as organized as the 360 version of the game.
My friends just picked this up within the last 45 days and you can bet your hide I rub it in their face when I am online braggin how spectacular of a gamer I am, over them.
For 1 player/no xbox live or online play, this game is boring and I would probably give it a 6.0. However, since this is again, [b] THE GAME [/b] to use for braggin rights, since any one can play it, stop throwing your useless reasoning at eachother and start comparing level scores in this bad boy.
Now that the game has been out for over a year you should be able to find it in the Bargain bin or on for cheap. I recommend not buying it from gamestop, since you really arent helping ANYONE by purchasing through them. All their profits go straight to the useless management and DO NOT go to the stores.
Game on!