A lot of meaninglessness
CONS: I really hate this game for many reasons but it mostly pertains to how meaningless this game is. There is NO STORY!!! Though I feel game play is the prime benefactor for video games in general, it does at least need a story. I don't care if it's absurd or stupid just so long there is something to play for. This provides S***!!!!!!!!! All you do is run around and shoot people. THAT'S IT!!! Nothing more. And the gun play mechanics and physics just don't bring me in. Killing people in this game makes me feel lackadaisical. There is NO satisfaction. NOTHING!!!!!! The guns suck and so on. Maybe it's because this game is outdated because I just played this not long ago while writing this but it doesn't matter. I still would of hated myself for buying this for $60 but luckily I only got it for $3.
Conclusion: Bargain bin consumption at best but my god was this a horrible game. I can't take it!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!