Fighting sucks Betting good

User Rating: 6.5 | The Con PSP
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close but the fighting is so horendously bad that this game just dosen't work out it's more for gambling fans then fighting fans and that is really disappointing

Difficulty pretty good but a little easy

Learning curve to master the fighting and the betting takes a little while but overall it is about 45minutes

Gameplay the betting works so good that it just makes up for the lack of fighting in this game and therfore dosen't deserve a 1 also it loads really long

Graphics bad bad bad bad bad bad bad other than the fighting this is the worst point in the game

Sound what is there to hear fake punches

Value well betting is fun but the fighting is so bad that you just can't keep playing it like says don't waste your time on this

Tilt betting good fighting bad