User Rating: 2.8 | The Con PSP
The con is not at all what it seems to be.It looks like a nice beat em up game on the back of the case but do not be fooled like i was.I saw the intro movie being advertised at wal mart but the intro movie made the game look like a decent fighting game and boy was I wrong I see now why they were showing the intro movie instead of gameplay footage for advertisement.This game is not fun at all I have had my copy for about two months now and I have only touched it about four times.

The con is boring the most because of the biggest feature of the game which is the fighting is like trying to play a boxing game and believe me if I wanted to play a boxing game i would.But enough about that and on to the game play when ur fighting someone like say you pick a wrestler and you do a power bomb or a pile driver to your opponent it barely does any damage to them making the game even more boring than it already is and your punches and kicks do the same thing they dont do that much damage.

Another feature they threw in the game was a betting system that you can do to earn a little bit more money to buy more items and clothes for your character,and you have to go to the hospital if you get injured.The dodging and swaying in the fighting is difficult to master and the betting system is not that easy to understand either.

This game is a major let down and you should avoid it totally and the betting system added on to the game is not enough to make the game better neither does it add any fun into the game.

Personally I think that game spot was to generous with their rating of this game it deserves much less and if this game could be rented for a buck its still not worth renting.

I have tried going back a few times and making some use of this game afterall i did waste 40$ on it but the game is just to lame to play.