The dumb enemy AI and short campaign get in the way, but The Conduit shows that even the Wii can make for a good shooter
Story: 6/10
The story seemed interesting at first, shooting all the aliens and trying to fight off this guy named Promethius. However, it got ridiculous when your leader and the enemy literally changed places out of nowhere, and now you are working for Promethius, fighting Adams. The story only goes downhill from there, but ends with quite the cliffhanger. There are also no cutscenes, just little transmissions between missions. I was not too impressed by the story, so six out of ten.
Gameplay: 8/10
I must say the controls on this game are phenomenal. Not only is it possible to adjust how fast the cursor goes, but WHERE it needs to be when you want to move the camera. You can also adjust the moving speed, button configuration, and HUD placement and transparency. The multiplayer is wonderful, and I've spent hours playing it already. It reminds me much of Halo one, except there are a small amount of maps. Nevertheless, the only thing besides that is the AI. When there is an enemy behind cover, it will run right towards you, into the line of fire, bringing much of the fun out of the whole battle experience. Other than that, it's fine. Eight out of ten.
Graphics: 8/10
Of course, this game has some of the greatest graphics on the Wii, considering the console is technically a GameCube with motion controls. The game has no definite art style; realistic, I guess, but not quite good-looking enough to be considered beautiful. The game is also quite dark, and it is actually hard to see in the sewer level. On top of that, the entire game takes place in the same setting, providing little variety in atmosphere. Nevertheless, the graphics are great. Eight out of ten.
That's all, folks, and I have high hopes Conduit 2, which is due in September, I think? So all in all, The Conduit is a decent shooter with a few bugs that hold it back from hanging with the likes of Halo and CoD. Seven point five out of ten.