Best FPS for Wii to date, but has many flaws.

User Rating: 8 | The Conduit WII

The first thing you will notice is how refined and clear the graphics are. You can notice that High Voltage/Sega worked really hard to enhance the visuals. The closest Wii game I can compare th graphics to is Metroid Prime 3


The gameplay is close to perfect. You aim the Wii remote and shoot. As simple as that. All other moves like reloading, sniping, and crouching are placed on the best buttons. It does have some flaws though. My main concern is performing a melee attack with the Wii remote, because it makes the gun go berserk on the screen. Another quirk would be the sensitivity of the nunchuk, sometimes you throw a grenade with the slightest movements and that can get aggravating (especially if you damage yourself).

Single Player

I have only played the single player up until 40%, I got really frustrated from and just went along with multiplayer. The single player is rather disappointing, it basically has no lead. You listen to a guy and you do it, and while you do it you happen to encounter thousands of annoying monster that will stop coming ONLY if you destroy the conduit it comes out of or the egg sac they hatch from. I can't really judge the single player without completing it, but so far that's what I feel about it.


The best part about The Conduit is the multiplayer. It's the best multiplayer experience I have had with my Wii. I rarely have connection problems and the other players have minimum lags at full games. What I mean about lag is if the other player misses a step and kind of teleports to another location. My only problem with the multiplayer is this one glitch you encounter sometimes. You become at a frozen state with 1/4 of your crossfire, it happened to me twice. Hopefully it's just a server issue and can be patched up in a matter of time.


The Conduit has some nice sound effects and music. It could use or have an option for some music during multiplayer, it does get really quiet at times.


I would say The Conduit is a must have for die hard multiplayer fans. The online is really nice and is the main component to The Conduit. With all of the hype they generated they should have put a little more effort in constructing this game. With beautiful visuals and wonderful multiplayer The Conduit will give you hours of fun.