The Wii-controls help this game from being a major disappointment.
The story is generic: you play as "Mr. Ford" and have to stop all these aliens from taking over, and find out what the hell's going on. It's generic, as there are a ton of games where you have to kill aliens (Halo, anyone?).
One thing they got right about The Conduit was the controls. Everything controls smoothly, all the buttons are in the right place, but if you don't like it you can adjust everything in the options menu, and you can try the controls you change out while it's paused in real time! Thats a pretty good feature, but what isn't a good feature is the gameplay as it is. You go through generic-looking halls and rooms and shoot a ton of enemies, who all look generic. You get your basic assortment of weapons (but a different assortment for the alien weapons). In the second level you get the ASE (the All-Seeing Eye), which can find hidden symbols on the wall which can unlock doors with alien locks, or find hidden things.
Sometimes you'll fight a boss, but their not not hard. One problem I have with The Conduit is it's short. It only has nine missions, and some of them are short, nakingthis game a 5-6 hour game.
Then there's the multiplayer. There are a number of diferent modes, such as Killing Overdrive, where the team who captures the ASE or with the most kills wins, and Free-For-All, where you are against everyone and try to get the most kills. It's pretty fun, and you can customize your character and you get EXP, which is always addicting.
The graphics are pretty good, as there is good lighting effects and water effects and good graphics all around.
Overall, this game is worth a rent if your intersted in it, and is disappointing