Great Wii Shooter

User Rating: 8 | The Conduit WII
This game is the best wii fps. It has great graphics, great controls and 13 types of multiplayer modes. it takes probably around 8 or 10 hours to complete a fun, challenging campaign. Campaign has achievements to. better then every fps i played nearly for any system except cod4 and MAYBE halo 3. Similar to orange box, metroid, and halo combined. Online multiplayer there is 3 main modes to choose from then u find a match (it's very easy to get a 5 vs 5 and it ends up normally being 6 vs anyways from people joining mid match. After u choosen from team reaper, free for all, and team objective u have a vote within the player at the beggining of the game for weapon set, map and type of game like quick match, marathon, shared stock for TR and bounty hunter, and capture the ASE for TO and FFA. There are many more for free for all and team objective. A good ranking system, customizable controls, great graphics make this game amazing. 6.5 is a real upset to this and im sure if it had call of duty or halo in the name it would get a much better rating. Check out an IGN review if you want a really accurate detailed review.