The conduit is a step in the right direction for the wii. A good first attempt.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Conduit WII
The Conduit a solid shooter, and something Unique to the Wii. However, the Art is generic and uninspired, and the single player is short and worth maybe 2 playthroughs if you want to get all the extras. The Story is also generic and presented in a boring way. Though, there is a ton of actually really interesting information in the backstory you can gleam from the graffiti on the walls and the radio chatter you can hear from various radios around the levels. Strange that the story itself is cliche while the back story is really interesting, haha.

The two things the Conduit has really going for it are its good Wii graphics and EXCELLENT controls. From a Technical standpoint are very good FOR THE WII. But it has to be said that even though the game looks good now, if High Voltage had good artists and designers instead of crappy ones, the game would look a LOT better. The fully customizable controls are another one of the conduits strong points, and completely solves the problem of the Wii-Mote's sometimes sketchy handling and sensitivity.

The multi-player however is entertaining and worth the buy in my opinion. its fun, fast and continuously entertaining. I would say that Gamespot's scoring of the Conduit was a bit harsh, and that it deserves a 7.8 or so. It also needs to be said that the Conduit, at this moment is the best shooter on the wii, period.

If you are exclusively Wii owner, then The Conduit is a must buy, but if u own a ps3 or 360 along with your wii then i would consider just renting it.