Good up until a certain point
There was a certain part of Sherwood Forest that was nothing but a huge bog. And you had to make your way across it without sinking. Well, I never could, it was impossible. The correct path to take was invisible to the human eye and evil skeletons chasing after me I always watched in horror as Friar Tuck descended to his boggy doom. I remember the video-game mags of the time published complete maps of Curse of Sherwood and I finally got to see all the cool places I could never explore because getting through the bog was so damn hard. I still would like to play it once more and maybe finish the game once and for all.
The graphics were the exact same as the Speccy version but they were still pretty good and rather atmospheric. In regards to color schemes and environments the game was a lot like the original Sabre Wulf from 1984. This was one of those games that I loaded up quite a lot only to never get past that one bit. Still, it was probably better than I got to know.